

Bases: DataModelBase

Input data model for tools.ozone.communication.updateTemplate.

field content_markdown: str | None = None
field disabled: bool | None = None


field id: str [Required]

ID of the template to be updated.

field lang: str | None = None

Message language.

field name: str | None = None

Name of the template.

field subject: str | None = None

Subject of the message, used in emails.

field updated_by: str | None = None

DID of the user who is updating the template.

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

content_markdown: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Content of the template, markdown supported, can contain variable placeholders.

disabled: typing_extensions.NotRequired[bool | None]


id: str

ID of the template to be updated.

lang: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Message language.

name: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Name of the template.

subject: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Subject of the message, used in emails.

updated_by: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

DID of the user who is updating the template.