

Bases: DataModelBase

Input data model for com.atproto.server.createAccount.

field did: str | None = None

Pre-existing atproto DID, being imported to a new account.

field email: str | None = None


field handle: str [Required]

Requested handle for the account.

field invite_code: str | None = None

Invite code.

field password: str | None = None

Initial account password. May need to meet instance-specific password strength requirements.

field plc_op: UnknownInputType | None = None

A signed DID PLC operation to be submitted as part of importing an existing account to this instance. NOTE: this optional field may be updated when full account migration is implemented.

field recovery_key: str | None = None

DID PLC rotation key (aka, recovery key) to be included in PLC creation operation.

field verification_code: str | None = None

Verification code.

field verification_phone: str | None = None

Verification phone.

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

did: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Pre-existing atproto DID, being imported to a new account.

email: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]


handle: str

Requested handle for the account.

invite_code: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Invite code.

password: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Initial account password. May need to meet instance-specific password strength requirements.

plc_op: typing_extensions.NotRequired[UnknownInputType | None]

this optional field may be updated when full account migration is implemented.


A signed DID PLC operation to be submitted as part of importing an existing account to this instance. NOTE

recovery_key: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

DID PLC rotation key (aka, recovery key) to be included in PLC creation operation.

verification_code: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Verification code.

verification_phone: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Verification phone.


Bases: ResponseModelBase

Output data model for com.atproto.server.createAccount. Account login session returned on successful account creation.

field access_jwt: str [Required]

Access jwt.

field did: str [Required]

The DID of the new account.

field did_doc: UnknownType | None = None

Complete DID document.

field handle: str [Required]


field refresh_jwt: str [Required]

Refresh jwt.