

Bases: DataModelBase

Input data model for com.atproto.repo.deleteRecord.

field collection: str [Required]

The NSID of the record collection.

field repo: str [Required]

The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).

field rkey: str [Required]

The Record Key.

field swap_commit: str | None = None

Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.

field swap_record: str | None = None

Compare and swap with the previous record by CID.

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

collection: str

The NSID of the record collection.

repo: str

The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).

rkey: str

The Record Key.

swap_commit: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.

swap_record: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Compare and swap with the previous record by CID.